
  • Wahyuni Fajaruddin Puslatbang KMP Lembaga Administrasi Negara
  • Johan Tarru Puslatbang KMP Lembaga Administrasi Negara
  • Fajar Lingga Prasetya Lembaga Administrasi Negara


leadership training, civil servants, ranking system, best participant,


Becoming a great nation to meet the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045 certainly requires mutual cooperation efforts involving all elements of the nation, where the government is the main actor. In order to realize the government's real contribution, the bureaucracy, which is the main driver of the government, must have high competitiveness. For this reason, building human resources in the apparatus in a sustainable manner is the main strategy. As part of the infrastructure for developing the competence of civil servants, leadership training is  kawah candradimuka for producing professional, transformational leaders to continuously sense and deliver quality and competitive public services. In organizing leadership training, the best participants are determined using an assessment mechanism that has been regulated in the training curriculum which is summarized in a ranking system. This research aims to determine whether the application of the ranking system in leadership training is still relevant and how leadership training alumni view this. The 60 participants involved were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Each participant was given closed and open ended questions delivered digitally. The data received is processed using the NVivo. As a result, all participants agreed to the ranking system applied in leadership training. The reasons they provide positive support are related to motivation, appreciation, competency qualifications, self-evaluation, assessment objectivity, training mechanisms and implementation evaluation.


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