Dynamics and Challenges of Community Empowerment Many Island Fishermen Aceh Singkil


  • Muhajir Al Fairusy Aceh Customary Assembly


fisherman palawik, empowerment, aceh singkil


This paper describes the dynamics of cultural pattern of traditional fisherman working relationship (palawik) with Owner Capital (employer) and the role of government in economic empowerment of fishing communities in the island province of Aceh Singkil District Lots. Through the study of cultural anthropology found that the pattern of relationships between fishermen palawik still stuck in the control of the employer. Then added another goal improper government intervention in economic empowerment. The condition causes palawik fishermen have not reached economic welfare.

Author Biography

Muhajir Al Fairusy, Aceh Customary Assembly

Anthropology Researcher for Fishermen & Management of the Aceh Provincial Customary Assembly


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How to Cite

Al Fairusy, M. (2013). Dynamics and Challenges of Community Empowerment Many Island Fishermen Aceh Singkil. Jurnal Transformasi Administrasi, 3(2), 591–601. Retrieved from https://jta.lan.go.id/index.php/jta/article/view/80




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