
  • Icha Mariadita Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Teuku Umar University
  • Rusdi Rusdi Universitas Teuku Umar
  • Muhammad Rahmat Hidayat Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Teuku Umar University
  • Muzakir Muzakir Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Teuku Umar University
  • Ikhsan Fajri Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Teuku Umar University


Employee Disengagement, Cyberloafing, Job Performance


This study investigates the interrelationships among various latent variables and their observed indicators using a structural equation model (SEM). The findings reveal that sharing, shopping, and real-time updating activities positively impact job-related outcomes, suggesting that moderate engagement in these activities can mitigate employee disengagement. Conversely, accessing online content shows a slight negative influence on job performance, highlighting the potential detriments of cyberloafing. The study also underscores the significant positive impact of organizational support and supervisory evaluations on job performance. Integrating theories of cyberloafing and employee disengagement, the results suggest that fostering a supportive work environment and allowing for healthy, non-work-related activities can enhance job satisfaction and reduce counterproductive behaviors. The implications of these findings are critical for designing interventions and policies that promote positive engagement and minimize the risks associated with cyberloafing, ultimately enhancing overall employee performance and satisfaction.


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