Grow Model As An Alternatif Approach To Coaching Process In Leadership Training And Education Level IV At PKP2A II LAN


  • Nirwaty Yapardi Center of Research and Training and Development for Government Apparatus (CRTGA) II - NIPA
  • Milawaty Milawaty Center of Research and Training and Development for Government Apparatus (CRTGA) II - NIPA




The practice of coaching at Lembaga Administrasi Negara starts when  the new pattern of training and education on Leadership Training and Prajabatan Training was implemented. One of the models was GROW developed by John Whitmore. The aim of the the present research was to examine the GROW model as an alternatif approach to the process of coaching in leadership education and training at PKP2A II LAN. Using qualitative data from 33 informants, the current research showed that the GROW model can be used as an alternatif approach to the coaching process in leadership education and training level IV. The practice of the model was mainly seen on goal, reality, and will phase.

Author Biographies

Nirwaty Yapardi , Center of Research and Training and Development for Government Apparatus (CRTGA) II - NIPA

Trainer at CRTGA II - NIPA

Milawaty Milawaty, Center of Research and Training and Development for Government Apparatus (CRTGA) II - NIPA

Trainer at CRTGA II NIPA


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Peraturan Perka LAN No 19 tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Diklat Kepemimpinan Tingkat III.
Perka LAN No 20 tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Diklat Kepemimpinan Tingkat IV.



How to Cite

Yapardi , N., & Milawaty, M. (2016). Grow Model As An Alternatif Approach To Coaching Process In Leadership Training And Education Level IV At PKP2A II LAN. Jurnal Transformasi Administrasi, 6(2), 1172–1187. Retrieved from




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